lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013

Ben Jonson: Dramaturgo inglés

Volpone, o El zorro es una comedia teatral de Ben Jonson. Fue producida en 1606 y contiene elementos descriptivos de la vida en Londrescomedia negra y fábula. Se trata de una sátira mordaz sobre la avaricia y la lujuria. Ha permanecido, hasta la fecha, como la obra de Jonson que más veces ha sido llevada a la escena, siendo una de las más importantes obras de la época jacobina.

Obra completa:

Volpone, obra ganadora de la XXIV Muestra de Teatro Joven 2012 organizado por la Sección de Juventud y Derechos Humanos del Ayuntamiento de Donostia en la categoría SENIOR con el premio a la mejor obra a cargo de MARGA ALTOLAGUIRRE: 


Volpone, a Venetian gentleman, pretends to be on his deathbed after a long illness in order to dupe Voltore, Corbaccio and Corvino, who aspire to his fortune. They each arrive in turn, bearing luxurious gifts with the aim of being inscribed as Volpone's heir. Mosca, Volpone's "parasite", encourages them, making each of them believe that he has been named as the heir in the will, and getting Corbaccio to disinherit his son in favour of Volpone.
Mosca mentions to Volpone that Corvino has a beautiful wife, Celia, and Volpone goes to see her in the disguise of Scoto the Mountebank. Corvino drives him away, but Volpone is now insistent that he must have Celia for his own. Mosca tells Corvino that Volpone requires to sleep with a young woman to help revive him. Corvino offers Celia in order to please Volpone.
Just before Corvino and Celia are due to arrive for this to take place, Corbaccio's son Bonario arrives to catch his father in the act of disinheriting him. Mosca guides him into a sideroom. Volpone is left alone with Celia, and after failing to seduce her with promises of luxurious items and fantasies, attempts to rape her. Bonario comes forward to rescue Celia. However, in the ensuing courtroom sequence, the truth is well-buried by Mosca, Volpone and all three of the dupes.
There are episodes involving the English travellers Sir and Lady Politick Would-Be and Peregrine. Sir Politic constantly talks of plots and his outlandish business plans, while Lady Would-Be annoys Volpone with her ceaseless talking. Mosca co-ordinates a mix-up between them which leaves Peregrine, a more sophisticated traveller, feeling offended. He humiliates Sir Politick by telling him he is to be arrested for sedition, and making him hide inside a giant tortoise shell.
Volpone insists on disguising himself and having it announced that he has died and left all his wealth to Mosca. This enrages Voltore, Corbaccio and Corvino, and everyone returns to court. Volpone gets badly entangled in the circumstances devised by him and Mosca. Despite Volpone's pleas, Mosca refuses to give up his wealthy new role, and Volpone decides to reveal himself in order to take Mosca down with him. Finally they, Voltore, Corbaccio and Corvino are punished.

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